Intellectual Property

We are a registered Trademark including this website, and all contents therein and no part of this website whatsoever shall be used elsewhere for whatever purposes. Our Trademark is our recognition all over the world. Nobody in any form whatsoever copies or create something similar to anything this is listed on this website. Doing so will result in strict legal action. We believe in protecting our intellectual right at any cost and do that with all seriousness and having a proper backing of a team of legal experts.
All images, logos, domain names videos and the business name are patented.
All patents, trademarks industry logos and any other intellectual property, including without limitation all images, videos, product names, product brands and codes, and texts in this website are owned by our company and third parties where necessary. At no point in time without any written consent shall one use any of them in any form. Doing so will result in serious action being taken against the entity involved.
You may view, print, or/ and copy any part of the contents of this website unless otherwise stated. Such material must, however, contain our company`s watermark logo and can only be used for personal and non-commercial use. Any misuse of such information shall be taken to constitute a criminal offense liable to persecution.
The information on this website is only meant to be read and any alteration, amendment, deletion or inclusion of any part either wholly or partly cannot be done. We believe in the complete protection of our rights and will take serious action to get this done.
No part of the content on this website, whether wholly or partly shall be modified or copied.
You shall not frame, or use any framing techniques to enclose any of our Intellectual Property, including any of the contents of our website without our prior written consent.
No part of this website shall be used on any other third party website without our prior consent nor shall any content herein be used to create any work.
Any use of the company`s trademarks, watermarks, patents or any other intellectual property shall be used without our prior written consent. Any such action shall be constituted to mean a criminal offense punishable by law.
We reserve all the rights to all our intellectual property. We can change the contents of this website anytime without any notice, and we are not obliged to do so by any parties. We reserve the rights to all content in this website any changes that may be made thereof and any inclusions that may be made on the content.
You shall use the information on this website only to such an extent as allowed by our company policies. We are not obliged to divulge any protected information on this website to anyone not authorized.
All Trademarks, patents, and any other intellectual property are our property unless otherwise stated, and no use by third parties on any other platform is allowed without our prior written consent.