
This website belongs to our company and any information is to be used only as a service to the visitors and its owners.
We purpose to regularly update information on this website and to provide accuracy. We shall however provide no guarantee, whether implied or otherwise on the correctness, reliability, accuracy or availability of any information, products and images on this website. Any reliance on any such information on your part shall be done so entirely at your own risk. No one at any given point time shall consider us responsible for any loss resulting out of any such information.
The products on this website and any advertisement therein are the products of third parties and their appearance on our page does not in any way amount to an endorsement. We shall take no responsibility, or be held liable for any losses or damages incurred as a result of reliance on such information. We hard on only providing accurate information in all cases. But at times due to some issues, in case there is some misinterpretation, the entity is not supposed to be held liable for the same at any cost.
We do not provide on the availability of any of the products advertised on this website, and shall therefore take no responsibility for the lack of any such product. Also, though we take complete care of maintaining check on the quality of the product at no point of time, we can be held liable for any manufacturing defect of the item in any case.
We shall periodically post links to other websites on this page. These are third party websites and any information, products, data, graphics, videos or advices therein are not under our control. We shall not accept responsibility or be held liable for reliance on any information contained therein.
While we work towards having zero downfalls on our website, we shall not take responsibility or be held liable for any fluctuations that are as a result of technical hitches and out of our control during your visits to the page.
All out transactions are done online using payment methods agreed to between us and you. We shall not take any responsibility or be held liable for any transactions done through any other means whether by our staff or otherwise. Any transactions done in cash or otherwise as stipulated in our terms shall be done so at your own risk.
The pricing on all our electronic items are subject to change. We reserve the right to change this at any point before you make an order. We shall not take responsibility nor be held liable for any changes made on our pricings.
All our electronic products come with the manufacturer`s warranty and any replacements or repairs are subject to the manufacturer`s discretion. We shall take no responsibility or be held liable for manufacturer`s failure to replace or repair.
Successful ordering and purchasing of any of our products shall be constituted to mean you accept to this disclaimer.
We purpose to regularly update information on this website and to provide accuracy. We shall however provide no guarantee, whether implied or otherwise on the correctness, reliability, accuracy or availability of any information, products and images on this website. Any reliance on any such information on your part shall be done so entirely at your own risk. No one at any given point time shall consider us responsible for any loss resulting out of any such information.
The products on this website and any advertisement therein are the products of third parties and their appearance on our page does not in any way amount to an endorsement. We shall take no responsibility, or be held liable for any losses or damages incurred as a result of reliance on such information. We hard on only providing accurate information in all cases. But at times due to some issues, in case there is some misinterpretation, the entity is not supposed to be held liable for the same at any cost.
We do not provide on the availability of any of the products advertised on this website, and shall therefore take no responsibility for the lack of any such product. Also, though we take complete care of maintaining check on the quality of the product at no point of time, we can be held liable for any manufacturing defect of the item in any case.
We shall periodically post links to other websites on this page. These are third party websites and any information, products, data, graphics, videos or advices therein are not under our control. We shall not accept responsibility or be held liable for reliance on any information contained therein.
While we work towards having zero downfalls on our website, we shall not take responsibility or be held liable for any fluctuations that are as a result of technical hitches and out of our control during your visits to the page.
All out transactions are done online using payment methods agreed to between us and you. We shall not take any responsibility or be held liable for any transactions done through any other means whether by our staff or otherwise. Any transactions done in cash or otherwise as stipulated in our terms shall be done so at your own risk.
The pricing on all our electronic items are subject to change. We reserve the right to change this at any point before you make an order. We shall not take responsibility nor be held liable for any changes made on our pricings.
All our electronic products come with the manufacturer`s warranty and any replacements or repairs are subject to the manufacturer`s discretion. We shall take no responsibility or be held liable for manufacturer`s failure to replace or repair.
Successful ordering and purchasing of any of our products shall be constituted to mean you accept to this disclaimer.